Welcome Paradisium Festival

Here to the harmonies of music, the traces of psychedelic art and the love for nature. Celebrate life, creativity and positivity with us.

Music as the protagonist

Music as the protagonist

Enjoy a wide range of musical styles, from psytrance to world music.

Audiovisual Experiences

Presentations wrapped in dynamic and mesmerizing visuals for an immersive experience.

Community Participation

Highlight the presence of local artists and DJs, bringing authentic energy to the festival vibe.

PARADISIUM Festival unfolds as an ode to the harmonies of music, the strokes of art, the tapestry of culture, and the essence of spirituality, set against the picturesque landscapes of England's countryside. This event serves as a convergence point where individuals unite to forge connections with their inner selves, fellow attendees, and the natural realm.​
Stemming from a profound commitment to sustainability, PARADISIUM Festival places environmental consciousness at its forefront. Organizers are resolute in diminishing the festival's ecological footprint and championing eco-friendly practices. Attendees are urged to embrace mindful and responsible consumption, with collaborative efforts with local organizations bolstering environmental initiatives.
An annual rendezvous, carefully situated in awe-inspiring natural surroundings, ensures a distinctive and transformative encounter for participants. A meticulously curated roster of musicians, artists, and spiritual guides at PARADISIUM Festival serves as a wellspring of inspiration, offering upliftment, while its workshops and discussions present avenues for personal development and knowledge.
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Organization Team

Impactful Exhibitions

From interactive installations to vibrant paintings, immerse yourself in a sea of ​​psychedelic expressions.

Creative Workshops

Learn from renowned artists and participate in practical sessions on artistic skills and techniques.

Live Art

Witness the live creation of murals and sculptures that metamorphose throughout the festival.

To buy tickets for this event please visit our events page: Paradisium Festival: The Awakening 23-26 August 2024 tickets from Skiddle .

Ticket sales powered by Skiddle

healthy Eating

Gourmet Cooking

Enjoy delicious options ranging from plant-based to organic desserts and healthy snacks.

Culinary Workshops

Enjoy innovative recipes and healthy techniques with chefs specializing in conscious eating.

Sustainability and Environmental Preservation

Waste Reduction

Enjoy delicious options ranging from plant-based to organic desserts and healthy snacks.


Lectures on the importance of preservation, connecting the community with the surrounding nature.

Eco initiatives

Highlight the actions adopted to promote sustainable practices and reduce the festival1s carbon footprint.

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